Foundation Park


Q. Is it possible for me to stay at Foundation Park for a short time while my family caregivers go on a vacation?

A. We can make arrangements for short-term respite care depending on the availability of space.

Q. Do I need to bring my own furniture and bedding?

A. We encourage you to bring your personal furniture. We are also able to assist you in choosing items that may be necessary to maintain your well-being. For example, specialized mattresses, mechanical beds, or recliners. Our experienced medical staff will be able to guide you on the best options for such needs.

Q. I receive weekly physical therapy and am fearful of falling. Do you have measures in place to prevent this?

A. Although not every fall can be prevented, Foundation Park does have state-of-the-art technology to assess an individual’s fall risk. We utilize the Biodex Fall Risk and Management Program and Equipment to identify physical issues which can lead to falls and guide the therapist to use or develop therapies to help the individual overcome those deficiencies.

We also have invested in a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) system that can alert staff to the movement and patterns of movement of the resident in their room, without the use of cameras. This technology helps predict and alert staff in real-time, prior to an incident or fall.

Q. Will I be able to get my mail or packages there?

A. Just like home, you are able to enjoy all routine delivery services.

Q. At my home, my only safe space during a tornado is my basement, which is difficult for me to get to. How will you provide safety during severe storms and tornadoes?

A. Our architect and contractor have integrated a storm shelter into the central design of our building. It is a prestressed concrete enclosure with secure storm doors, large enough to hold all residents and staff during a storm event.